4 Exercises to Stay Inspired: Part 4 Manual Long Exposure

July 14, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Manual Long Exposure

For this exercise you may need extra equipment that you normally wouldn't use, this gets the knowledge and experimental juices flowing! You can often rent/ borrow from equipment stores, but invest in at least a tripod if you love this challenge because that is most important to prevent the camera shake. The new equipment you will need is a tripod and if possible a remote shutter release cable so you won't have to touch your camera at all. (I did not get one of these so you can try without also, Images of mine soon when I get home)

Now, mount your DSLR camera on your tripod. Set the ISO to 100, set the aperture to the smallest opening or the largest F-stop (ex: F/22), now set your shutter speed to Bulb Mode. For those not familiar with Bulb Mode, the shutter will be open for as long as the shutter button is held down.

Once your composition focus is set, press and hold the shutter button to hold your shutter open for a few counted seconds (literally count, or use that fancy phone to help with your time). Then check your image for lighting results. If the image is too bright/ overexposed cut you second in half, if its too dark/ underexposed add some seconds. Now shoot it again and again until the image is exactly what you like! Now, to expand this exercise one step further, change the scenario and lighting situation (this may be just moving a few feet into a shaded area) and see if you can get the image perfect to your specifications in less tries. This exercise will improve your ability to understand light levels at any given time and moment.

TIP: Now, to get the most interesting images that tend to become more viral there is a certain amount of movement in your frame. Moving clouds, crowds, and my favorite running water. the longer the exposure is the more blurred that movement will appear. if you have a solid neutral density filter your exposure can be even longer, creating a more extreme effect on your images.

CoMiNg SoOn: Firework composition post overlaying images to create a Independence Night Sky!

Thanks for reading and good luck on all your exercises!


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